Thursday, June 16, 2005

Summer is starting!

This summer is having a very exciting start. My grandparents and my madrina came to visit us and I love having people over our house. We spent one week in an apartment close to the beach and we had a lot of fun. We even went to visit the #1 Beach in the U.S. which is the North Beach in the beautiful Fort De Soto, Florida. In this picture I am with my Abus that I love ssoooo much!!! ¡Te quiero mucho, Abu!

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Hi! My name is Diego and I am 5 years old. I have Autism and, as you can appreciate by looking at these pictures, I am a happy kid. I live with Mama, Papa, my brother Jay, my dog Dash, 2 birds and 2 fishes.
Autism is a very difficult condition because it doesn't let me speak. I try to say some words but it's really hard. I can understand many things and I am learning more each day. I work very hard for this going to school since I was 2 yrs old and having therapy at home every day.
Since there is no definite explanation as of what causes autism, it is very hard to treat. I have tried many different biomedical treatments and we are still trying to eliminate the toxins that we believe are in my body and are messing me up. The treatment that we are doing right now is a lot of fun because it involves accupressure and frequencies modulations and I really enjoy the massages.
This blog is to record everything that I am doing so my family and friends can keep track of all my activities. It is also a way to keep a connection with all of those who constantly pray for me, and this way we can all be together for a moment while you learn about the new things that are happening in my life.
For now, I understand mostly english, that is why Papa decided to make this blog in english, but soon, we'll have a version is spanish.
Keep on praying for me and I know only good things will come our way.