Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Citizen of the Month

I was selected as the Citizen of the Month for my class for the month of April. It is a good thing because April is also the Autism Awareness Month. I am really good at school and am very obedient with my teachers. I am kind with my friends and have lots of fun during the day.
They gave me a red ribbon and many cool gift certificates. I wore the ribbon all day and was very excited about it!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Field Trip to the Florida Aquarium

My school makes lots of fun field trips and the last one was today. We went to the Florida Aquarium and we had tons of fun. First, we visited the Aquarium and saw many kinds of fish, turtles, sea horses, reefs and even birds. Then, we went to Explore a Shore to get all wet in the fountains. Since there is only five kids in our class and everybody was with their mommies and our teacher Ms. Lauren, we were able to do this and really had fun. We had lunch there and returned to school for dismissal.
What a fun day!!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter!

For Easter, I had a lot of fun. In school we painted many eggs and then had an Egg Hunt. With my family, we went to Atlanta, Georgia in a car trip and I really enjoyed every thing we did. I really liked being in the car for almost 8 hours, since I had my pillows, blankets and toys with me. Then, we went to a store that had many beds for little kids and I had a blast getting into all of them. We also went to Six Flags Park and I rode many things from kiddie rides to big boy things. We went to Stone Mountain and I enjoyed the Laser Show at night. When we got home, there was an egg hunt for me there and I found every single egg that was hidden. They were filled with slinkies, beads and whistles... my favorites!!!