Saturday, August 13, 2005

This is Dash

This is Dash, our puppy. He is a black labrador retriever and is only 6 months old. Papa is training him to be my service dog when he grows up. He needs to have an intensive training to learn how to help me in situations of danger like crossing the streets or stopping me if I decide to start running away. He will also help me with my socialization skills since he is a very friendly dog.
He already has an instict to protect me and he comes running to see me everytime he hears me crying. He also loves to be around me and we play together a lot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Que lindo es Dash ! Ya abuelita Marti me habia contado de tu perrito. Se que va a ser un buen companero y vigilante tuyo.
Me imagino que Jose Javier tambien lo va a cuidar y a entrenar mucho.
Tio Ernie (PR)