Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I am 6 years old

Today is my 6th birthday. I started the day very happy and my mom brushed my hair like a big boy. Mama and Papa are very excited because FINALLY, I'm smiling at the camera when they want to take my picture. In school, I gave goody bags to my friends and they sang Happy Birthday to me. After school, we went to Chuck E. Cheese, which is one of my favorite places and then we went to Target where I selected a DVD as my gift. I was so tired when we got home that I went straight to bed! What a great day!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Diego!

Thank you for the goody bag - my sister liked the candy and I liked the balloons!

Anonymous said...

Hola Diego... Somos amigos de tu Papi y tu Mami... Desde Puerto Rico te deseamos muchas Felicidades y que Cumplas muchos mas!!!

Anonymous said...

Hola Diego

Tus tios y primas te deseamos un feliz cumpleanos junto a papito, mamita y a Jose Javier. Hablamos con mamita el dia de tu cumpleanos y nos dijo que la habias pasado super.

Te queremos mucho,

Titi Janet, tio Luis, y tus primas Laura y Mayte

Anonymous said...

Feliz Cumpleanos ! Happy Birthday ! Espero que hayas gozado mucho en tu dia y que Dios te bendiga siempre. Un beso grande a tu mama y a tu hermano y un abrazo para papa.
Te queremos mucho desde Puerto Rico.
Tio Ernie y familia.
Titi Luly y Abuelo Padrino